Friday 3 May 2013

Beyonce's Lyrics and Music Video's 'NASTY GIRL' (By Harveen Bahia)


Throughout Beyoncé’s career, her heels have made huge feminist missteps like her song ‘nasty girl’ where she and her fellow sisters chide at women wearing skimpy clothing, but it’s a woman’s prerogative to choose what type of attire one whishes to wear, as long as it pleases oneself, there should be no judgment placed on these women especially from other females as they tarnish the name of sisterhood. But yet the song and video ridicules these women for the way they dress and behave, even though these so called ‘nasty girls’ behave in the same manner as sexually promiscuous men. According to Beyonce "men don't want no hot female that's been around the block female, you nasty girl’, they are labeled negatively and are regarded as ‘dirty and nasty’, they really didn’t hold back with the punches, the song slut-shames mercilessly, by publicly shaming and branding these type of women, which obviously allows others to do the same i.e. rappers who love to call women bitches and hoes which has now become accepted in our  society tarnishing the good reputation of women and destroying solidarity within the female community. When a popular all female band make an open attack on other females this pushes back the movement of equality and gender fairness, which isn’t right when one has the much power and influence on the young generation, who will think its socially accepted to call women sluts and whores. Beyoncé, Kelly and Michelle are purposely covered up for this particular video, but in other music videos they too are dressed in skimpy clothing dancing erotically which is highly hypocritical.

( Available at ( Accessed 15 March 2013)

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