Friday 3 May 2013

Beyonce's Lyrics and Music Video's 'BOW DOWN' (By Harveen Bahia)

Mrs. Carter got a little catty with her new song which was released on her twitter and Tumblr accounts, with the use of the internet her song went viral, and everyone already has an opinion on this song which was released in less than 24 hours ago. It’s all over Twitter, Facebook, Blogs and making headlines on the front covers of newspapers such as the Daily Mail. She commands listeners to ‘bow down b*****s’ her lyrics are pretty controversial, afar cry from her previous song “run the world” which empowered women, this particular song as taken a U- turn for the worse. The self-professed woman warrior is tearing down her own sex by calling us ‘bitches’ a derogatory term for women which men love to spit out. "I know when you were little girls you dreamt of being in my world. Don’t forget it. Respect that. Bow Down b******". Unconsciously Queen B is building barriers for us women, by patronising us. Instead of a sisterhood which celebrates female achievement she has made us sound like envious pitiful people who are beneath her and her luxurious lifestyle. This song is so self-obsessed and arrogant that one is shocked of how she created such an awful song which actually lacks any gusto. Creating such animosity, could just be her insecurities seeping through, one can imagine competing with younger artists must be tough for her ego, so like a moth to a flame she has released something which has obviously created controversy. Stumbling back in her heels the messages she once fiercely preached of female empowerment. In the upcoming issue of British Vogue she poorly defends herself by stating feminism is a “word (that) can be very extreme….but I guess I am a modern day feminist.”

 This negative portrayal of women sets back the movement of contemporary feminism. However according to radio host Rush Limbaugh who used lyrics from a recently released song by Beyoncé to claim that the singer "now understands it's worth it to bow down" to her husband. On the March 20 edition of Premiere Radio Network's The Rush Limbaugh Show, Limbaugh claimed that Beyoncé's new track "Bow Down/I Been On" conveys the message that women should be submissive to their spouses, saying, "She got married, she married the rich guy, she now understands -- she now understands it's worth it to bow down."

Queen Bey released a picture which ran alongside the two tracks, it features her as a young girl with a wide smile, standing in a room surrounded by towering trophies, as a kind reminder to her loyal subjects that she will always and forever be a Queen.

(Accessed: 22March 2013)

Beckie Smith, (12 April) ‘Admire Beyoncé for her music, not her feminist credentials’  

The Independent  (Friday 12th April)

Brian Powell (2013) ‘Host Claims Beyoncé "Understands It's Worth It To Bow Down" To Her Husband.’  Media Matters for America (March 20th 2013) (Available at: ( Accessed: 23March 2013)

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